The birth of a child does not begin suddenly. The whole pregnancy is a preparation for this important event and specially the end of pregnancy brings many changes in both organisms of mother and child. They learn a very fine communication with each other – as if they would exercise a beautiful own dance to determine the optimal moment for birth. We will look at this preparation of both mother and child, from a hormonal and general physiological point of view.
Annick says about herself: ”
I was born in Liège, in Belgium in 1955.
I gave birth to my first child in Bavaria with a traditional home birth midwife, whom I accompanied for further home births. This experience influenced me strongly, and I decided to study midwifery.
I studied in Belgium autodidactically. I was not bound at any university and could choose my trainees freely. I had the opportunity to meet old, experienced midwifes and doctors. It was a very good learning! I worked a short time in the hospital, but the way to see birth as a purely medical event was too far away from my own feelings and opinions about birth and midwifery.
Women and babies became my best and most intransigent teachers. The voices of the babies were clear and loving and the relationship between mother/father and child gave a sense to the whole work of growing and birthing a baby. In the meantime I learned about herbs, homeopathy, systemic work and acupuncture but I still was looking for a possibility to reinforce women in their self-confidence and strength and – as I got in contact with prenatal bonding -, I felt it gave me what I had been seeking such a long time : A method to help women to get in deep relationship with their child and doing this, to regain their autonomy and learn to be truly in charge.
Since then, prenatal bonding is an important aspect in my practice as a midwife. I teach it in Germany with Bruni Kreutzer-Bohn.”
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