Open Lecture 10.09.24: Welcoming Diversity in the Classroom. PMT intervention

BAPMT organized a live open lecture by the Educational Psychomotricity professors from Chile, Tatiana Gurovic-Pinto and Mariángeles Giménez. When – 10.09.2024 at 18 pm Where – to be specified — Contemporary classrooms are increasingly diverse, encompassing a wide range of cultural backgrounds, learning styles and developmental needs. This diversity provides both opportunities and challenges for…

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Tatiana Gurovich: What is the difference between typical and psychomotor pedagogy?

Tatiana Gurovich – Professor at the Faculty of Education of the Pontifical Catholic University of Santiago de Chile, Chile, International Master in Psychomotor Science from the Higher Institute for Psychomotor Re-education in Paris, France, Professor Honoris Causa from the International Organization for Psychomotor Science and Relaxation, France, with specializations in “Special Education”, “Pedagogical Psychomotorics”, “Psychopedagogy”…

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Psychomotricity and context: reports from a kindergarten and a hospital in Germany

BAPMT opens a column and conversation on Context and Psychomotricity issues. In the section “Psychomotricity and Context” we will publish materials about the application of the method in institutional and social contexts – nurseries, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, psychiatric clinics and all places where the method can have an application. For this purpose we…

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Psychomotricity and autism: practical guidelines – 07.01.2023

We will learn how movement and play can be used to initiate interaction processes with children on the autism spectrum. The lector will give us ideas how a body-centred approach can be used to support children’s communication skills and promote language development through interactive games and activities. Areas of focus include: autism, ABA, psychomotricity, play,…

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