Educational Training Psychomotricitydakp
The Educational Training Psychomotricitydakp offers a comprehensive and practice-oriented qualification for a wide range of work fields. The focus is on educational work fields such as kindergarten, school, curative education, special education, fields of action of social work etc.
During the training you will acquire comprehensive knowledge about and experience in practical approaches to psychomotor interventions. The training will qualify you for planning, implementing, performing and reflecting Psychomotricity in your work field. Thus, the primary objective is the further development of your psychomotor competence to act.
The educational training addresses professionals with a completed apprenticeship or students in educational, psychological, therapeutical and social work programmes. Other prerequisites can be acknowledged.
The educational training includes 180 teaching units, divided into 160 teaching units in presence and 20 teaching units independent learning time.
The educational training is divided into four modules. Each module includes 40 teaching units.
Module 1: Basics of Psychomotricity
Perception and movement are essential engines of human development over the entire life span. In a wide range of psychomotor practical offers you will experience the possibilities of making contact through movement, of communicating with others, of expressing yourself and of perceiving yourself in group processes. Movement games invite you to experiment in order to grasp materials and objects of the environment, to grasp physical properties and to act actively on the environment. You will train your observation and description skills and learn how to create suitable observation situations for different questions.
On the basis of your own experience, theoretical basics and relationships are presented, which offer explanatory models for the experience and show you practical suggestions for the possible uses of psychomotor development promotion in your own professional practice.
Professional content:
- Basic concepts of Psychomotricity: Movement, perception, development etc.
- Principles of Psychomotricity
- „Safe place“ concept in Psychomotricity
- Basic understanding of development and development support
- Basics of observation (of play, development, interaction etc.)
- Creation and reflection of self-efficacy-situations
Module 2: Play and development
Creating space means creating an atmosphere in which learning and development are made possible through play and movement, through an appreciative relationship and an attitude towards the individual. At the same time, (physical) spaces and their design create a learning environment in which new skills can be acquired, ideas can be introduced and individual development can be supported. In various play and movement situations, one’s own posture and role as a designer of games and as a game companion is experienced and reflected upon. Diverse practical ideas and suggestions show how one can create and use scope in different professional fields and for different target groups.
Professional content:
- Play and biography
- Play in history and culture
- Themes of play, development of play, theories of play
- Sense-understanding approach in Psychomotricity
- Play as a resource
- Importance of space and material
- Observation and accompaniment of play
Module 3: Embodiment and dialogue in Psychomotricity
The essence of being human is interacting and building relationships. These processes are fundamentally embodied and they take place as psychomotor dialogues. Experiencing one’s own action competencies and experiencing oneself as effective are central building blocks for the development of a positive self-concept and one’s own identity. Psychomotor dialogues as well as psychomotor play and movement offers awaken the joy of movement, the joy of relating successfully to each other and thus support healthy development from childhood to senior age. A healthy constitution, diverse skills and a positive self-concept are also considered protective factors (resilience factors) to successfully cope with adverse and stressful life situations and conflicts. You will acquire extensive theoretical and practical skills in order to recognize resources, to promote action skills and to positively support personality development through psychomotor dialogues and through targeted psychomotor offers.
Professional content:
- Embodiment
- Psychomotor dialogue in theory and practice
- Resonance and dialogue
- Self-concept, identity and personality development
- Coping with conflict situations and violence
- Open issues
Module 4: Final course
The final course is dedicated to the application and reflection of what has been learned in the courses in practice. This includes the organisation, preparation, implementation and reflection of psychomotor experiences with different target groups. Facility-related framework conditions and target group-specific content are taken into account. The guiding principle for the psychomotor professional competence is the examination of one’s own movement biography, one’s own dialogical and reflexive competence as a psychomotor specialist and the professional attitude.
Professional content:
- Introduction of the final course (goals, organisation etc.)
- Methodology and didactics
- Understanding of roles in Psychomotricity
- Organisation, preparation, implementation and reflection of psychomotor experiences with different target groups
- Transfer and networking
- Certification
Methodology and didactics
- Benchmark: securing and expanding the competence to act
- Our methodology is focused on knowledge, experience, reflection and transfer
- Biographical self-reflection
- Case analysis
- Intervision / supervision groups
- Video analysis
Educational Training Psychomotricitydakp