Introductory workshop in “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology. Prevention and Release of Birth Trauma.”

Bulgarian Association for Development of Psychomotricity /BAPMT/ offers an opportunity for participation in an introductory workshop to a basic training in “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology. Prevention and Release of Birth Trauma.”, directed by Kola B. Brönner. The introduction will give you an overview of the curriculum and the methods we will use during the basic…

Basic Training in “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology. Prevention and Release of Birth Trauma.”

Bulgarian Association for Development of Psychomotricity /BAPMT/ offers an opportunity for participation in a “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology. Prevention and Release of Birth Trauma.” basic training. The training contains theory in physiology and psychology of pregnancy and birth as well as scientific data. It is practice-oriented and provides tools which can be used and integrated…