Pre- and Perinatal Psychomotor Play with Children – How to recognize integrating and traumatic repetitions? – online lecture with prof. dr. Amara R. Eckert

Welcome to the 4th in a series of lectures on “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine”, preceding the upcoming basic training in “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology. Prevention and Release of Birth Trauma”! This time we will meet you with one of our trainers – prof. dr. Amara Eckert, who will present the topic Pre- and…

Birth Psychodrama – online lecture by Neşe Karabekir

Welcome to the third in a series of lectures on “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine”, preceding the upcoming basic training in “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology. Prevention and Release of Birth Trauma”! This time we will meet you with one of our trainers – Neşe Karabekir, who will present the topic BIRTH PSYCHODRAMA. Psychodrama is…

Family-Centered Individualized Developmental Care of Preterm Baby in Heidelberg – online lecture by Prof. Dr. Otwin Linderkamp

Welcome to the second in a series of lectures on “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine”, preceding the upcoming basic training in “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology. Prevention and Release of Birth Trauma”! This time we will meet you with Prof. Dr. Otwin Linderkamp, ​​who will introduce the Neonatal Care Program in Heidelberg, which is called…

Tatiana Gurovich: What is the difference between typical and psychomotor pedagogy?

Tatiana Gurovich – Professor at the Faculty of Education of the Pontifical Catholic University of Santiago de Chile, Chile, International Master in Psychomotor Science from the Higher Institute for Psychomotor Re-education in Paris, France, Professor Honoris Causa from the International Organization for Psychomotor Science and Relaxation, France, with specializations in “Special Education”, “Pedagogical Psychomotorics”, “Psychopedagogy”…

Psychomotricity and context: reports from a kindergarten and a hospital in Germany

BAPMT opens a column and conversation on Context and Psychomotricity issues. In the section “Psychomotricity and Context” we will publish materials about the application of the method in institutional and social contexts – nurseries, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, psychiatric clinics and all places where the method can have an application. For this purpose we…

Photo: Jonathan Borba

Холистична грижа за бременните жени, родилките и техните деца – възможна ли е в България?

Българска асоциация за развитие на психомоториката (БАПМТ) от самото си създаване работи за устойчива и етична психомоторика в подкрепа на детското развитие. Психомоторните терапевти към БАПМТ са обучени в това да проявяват чувствителност към преживяванията на децата и да ги съпровождат в тяхното психо-телесно изразяване. Практиката ни показва, че ранните преживявания на децата, започващи още…

A Day in a Psychomotor Kindergarten in Switzerland

The Bulgarian Association for Development of Psychomotricity has launched an online series “The Child’s Body in Preschool”. We will present a series of topics related to the child’s body – nutrition, hygiene, separation from parents and socializing, free time, organization of the day and play (independently and with the participation of an adult) and more.…