Pre- and Perinatal Psychomotor Play with Children – How to recognize integrating and traumatic repetitions? – online lecture with prof. dr. Amara R. Eckert

Welcome to the 4th in a series of lectures on “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine”, preceding the upcoming basic training in “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology. Prevention and Release of Birth Trauma”! This time we will meet you with one of our trainers – prof. dr. Amara Eckert, who will present the topic Pre- and…

Family-Centered Individualized Developmental Care of Preterm Baby in Heidelberg – online lecture by Prof. Dr. Otwin Linderkamp

Welcome to the second in a series of lectures on “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine”, preceding the upcoming basic training in “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology. Prevention and Release of Birth Trauma”! This time we will meet you with Prof. Dr. Otwin Linderkamp, ​​who will introduce the Neonatal Care Program in Heidelberg, which is called…

The Psychological Dimension of Pregnancy and Birth – online lecture

BAPMT brings to your attention the first of a series of lectures on “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine”, preceding the upcoming basic training in “Pre- and Perinatal Psychology. Prevention and Release of Birth Trauma”. In these lectures we will have the opportunity to meet some of the pioneers and experts in the field of…

Tatiana Gurovich: What is the difference between typical and psychomotor pedagogy?

Tatiana Gurovich – Professor at the Faculty of Education of the Pontifical Catholic University of Santiago de Chile, Chile, International Master in Psychomotor Science from the Higher Institute for Psychomotor Re-education in Paris, France, Professor Honoris Causa from the International Organization for Psychomotor Science and Relaxation, France, with specializations in “Special Education”, “Pedagogical Psychomotorics”, “Psychopedagogy”…

Psychomotricity and context: reports from a kindergarten and a hospital in Germany

BAPMT opens a column and conversation on Context and Psychomotricity issues. In the section “Psychomotricity and Context” we will publish materials about the application of the method in institutional and social contexts – nurseries, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, psychiatric clinics and all places where the method can have an application. For this purpose we…

Photo: Jonathan Borba

Холистична грижа за бременните жени, родилките и техните деца – възможна ли е в България?

Българска асоциация за развитие на психомоториката (БАПМТ) от самото си създаване работи за устойчива и етична психомоторика в подкрепа на детското развитие. Психомоторните терапевти към БАПМТ са обучени в това да проявяват чувствителност към преживяванията на децата и да ги съпровождат в тяхното психо-телесно изразяване. Практиката ни показва, че ранните преживявания на децата, започващи още…

A Day in a Psychomotor Kindergarten in Switzerland

The Bulgarian Association for Development of Psychomotricity has launched an online series “The Child’s Body in Preschool”. We will present a series of topics related to the child’s body – nutrition, hygiene, separation from parents and socializing, free time, organization of the day and play (independently and with the participation of an adult) and more.…