Birth is one of the most significant life events – for the baby, for the woman giving birth, for her partner, for the whole family and the social circles around it. It is an event that also affects the participants in the birth teams. Today, childbirth in most cases takes place in a hospital environment and is highly medicalized. Often this experience leaves traces of disappointment and/or dissatisfaction in women and families for a number of reasons. Is BIRTH WITHOUT REGRET then possible? According to Dr. Hakan Çoker, this is quite possible. And if in Bulgaria there are already midwifery practices that encourage and support women in natural birth, in Türkiye Dr. Çoker and his BIRTH WITH NO REGRET team are doing pioneering work, creating a completely new model of a birth team consisting of an obstetrician, midwife and prenatal psychologist working together at the unique intersection of medicine and psychology during a childbirth.
Dr. Hakan is highly accomplished medical doctor, specializing in obstetrics and gynocology. His life purpose is to educate women and families about the various birthing styles, as well as to provide them with a forum for natural births. He performs water births and lotus births and has pioneered a new cesarean, which is more mother and baby friendly.
Dr. Hakan has created a groundbreaking new birthing team named the Birth with No Regret Birth Team, which consists of an obstetrician, a midwife and prenatal psychologist – who act together at the unique intersection of medicine and psychology during a childbirth.
He has founded the Hand in Hand for Births Association. Dr. Hakan is an acting member on Turkey’s Ministry of Health, which focuses on establishing mother-friendly hospitals and on the Committee of Childbirth Education. Dr. Hakan is also the Turkish representative at the International Childbirth Initiative.
Dr. Hakan is also an educator and has made it his life focus to create holistic childbirth education courses catered to expecting couples. For the last three years, he has created a course named Birth With No Regret Childbirth Education, which provides courses for doctors, midwives, psychologists and doulas. He has presented his teaching at national and international conferences, as well as numerous congresses.
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