Bulgarian Association for Development of Psychomotricity in partnership with International Society for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (ISPPM) and Center for Child Development “Psychomotricity for all children” organize public online lectures “Introduction to pre- and perinatal psychology” in 2 parts: “Pregnancy” and “The imprint of birth.”
– What happens to the baby’s experiences during pregnancy?
– Does the child play in the womb and what games? What is the significance of prenatal play in the mother-child dyad?
– How does the mother understand the child’s signals and how does she respond to them?
– What could be her initiative to connect before the birth?
– How is the prenatal experience included in the child’s postnatal life?
These are just a few of the topics of interest in pre- and perinatal psychology that will be covered in both parts of the online events with leading German therapist Кola B. Brunner.
It has been proven that the imprints of the first experiences in the womb will be repeated throughout a person’s life without him knowing where they come from.
When we consider this point of view in Psychomotoricity, we can understand the problems and conflicts that children have and which they repeat in their games.
Information and knowledge about how different types of conception, the loss of a twin in the womb affect the future life of the child; the ambivalent or rejecting mother, the great stress in the mother, the early birth, the mother’s medical / physical problems (diabetes, high blood pressure, preeclampsia), violence, separation, etc., we will be able to understand the children’s games in the postnatal period and allow them to process them. This is knowledge that would be useful to every specialist and every parent.
It has been proven that the imprints of the first experiences in the womb will be repeated throughout a person’s life without him knowing where they come from.
When we consider this point of view in Psychomotoricity, we can understand the problems and conflicts that children have and which they repeat in their games.
Information and knowledge about how different types of conception, the loss of a twin in the womb affect the future life of the child; the ambivalent or rejecting mother, the great stress in the mother, the early birth, the mother’s medical / physical problems (diabetes, high blood pressure, preeclampsia), violence, separation, etc., we will be able to understand the children’s games in the postnatal period and allow them to process them. This is knowledge that would be useful to every specialist and every parent.
Kola B. Brönner is a graduate social worker, a psychotherapist since 1996, trained in body-oriented psychotherapy (orgodynamics), healing and energy work; prenatal care and preparation for birth.
Kola B. Brönner has further training in trauma therapy with P. Levine (Somatic Experience®), systemic couple and family therapy, system constellations (recognized by and member of DGfS), ortho-bionomy and yoga.
1991 – 2003 she is head of Lahar Training (Lahar is an Association for conscious birth and family).
Since 1994 she is in private practie.
In 1998 she founded a birthplace in Aachen and in 2012 an Integrative Health Center.
She is a trainer in various courses in Germany, Belgium, Spain and Ireland and seminars in Switzerland and Italy.
1990 – 2019 Kola B. Brönner is a chairwoman of the “LAHAR” association for conscious birth and family and since 2019 a secretary of the ISPPM (International Society for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine).
Since 2020 she and Ilka-Maria Thurmann lead the professional training “Pre- and perinatal (play) therapy”.
Book: „Den Anfang heilen“ Prä- und Perinatale (Spiel-)Therapie
Kola B. Brönner, Ilka-Maria Thurmann, Mabuse 2020
Working language: English with Bulgarian translation.
The event will take place on ZOOM. Link and password can be found here.