Bulgarian Association for Development of Psychomotricity in cooperation with Deutsche Akademie – Aktionskreis Psychomotorik and Children’s development center ‘Psychomotricity for all children’ organize a public online lecture on the topic ‘Resonance and Successful Development – Potentials of Psychomotricity in Practice’ held by Prof. Dr. Holger Jessel.
Successful development of children depends fundamentally on their opportunities for resonance.
Hartmut Rosa describes this as follows: „Humans long for a world which is supporting, nourishing, warming and accommodating and they want to experience themselves as being self-effective, and they fear a world which is silent, merciless and which they are powerlessly exposed to“ (Rosa 2016, 747f). Therefore, children depend on adults that are able to perceive their basic needs (safety, contact, appreciation, self-efficacy, autonomy etc.) and to respond adequately. Psychomotricity offers numerous perspectives to perceive and sense these basic needs and to sensitively and dialogically support children in their confrontation with themselves and their relations to the world. The lecture illustrates the significance of experiencing resonance and the satisfaction of basic needs. Based on this, it shows the potentials of psychomotricity in practice.
Prof. Dr. Holger Jessel is a graduate motologist (Motology is called Psychomotricity in Germany) and a professor of psyvhomotor skills in the social educational fields at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, Germany.
His professional biography began as an instructor at the Children’s and Youth Circus in Mikado, Leimen, followed by a teaching career as part of his psychomotor qualification in Motorpedagogy.
From 1999 to 2001 he defended his doctorate degree in Motology at the University of Phillips in Marburg and started teaching Sensory Development at the Institute of Sport Sciences and Motology, and in 2003 he became an assistant at the same Institute. He teaches courses on the topics ‘Psychomotor skills with adolescents’ and ‘Introduction to movement monitoring’. At the same time he works as a psychomotor skills project manager at the Gut-Holmecke in North Rhine-Westphalia.
In the period 2005-2010 Prof. Dr, Jessel defended his doctorate on the topic ‘Prevention of psychomotor violence – a multiperspective approach’. In the last year of his doctorate he became a guest lecturer at the Helm Stierlin Institute, Heidelberg teaching ‘Theory and Practice for Prevention of Psychomotor Violence’
Since 2006 Prof. Jessel has published over 30 articles in magazines and anthologies with psychomotor content.
He is also the author of 3 monographs and editor/co-editor of 6 volumes on topics of psychomotor skills.
In the period 2008-2012 he was a member of the board of Scientific Association of Psychomotricity and Motology (WVPM), and since 2009 a member of the board of Action Group Psychomotricity e.V. (AKP).
Since 2017 he is the first Chairman of the AKP in Deutsche Akademie – Aktionskreis Psychomotorik (the name of the german association of psychomotricity).
Since October 2020 Prof. Dr. Holger Jessel has been a member of the Scientific Board of the Bulgarian Association for Development of Psychomotricity.